Thursday, May 28, 2009

Cheesecake and family.

My little brother Brian was here visiting all week from North Carolina where he's stationed as a Marine. He's been helping me out at home quite a bit and spending quality time with Lil' Kaia. Last night, my hubby Brian and I took my siblings and Brian's mom Beckie out to a lovely, yummy dinner at The Cheesecake Factory for the first time. Good times were had....there's something to be said about cheesecake and family. xo <3


  1. Oh my! She is so stinkin' cute! I just want to snuggle her! Call me, I want to hear how things are going.

  2. Yay!!! What better combo than family and cheesecake?!

  3. Great job on the updates! Keep it up! Adam and I need to ride our bikes over and visit you guys and baby Kaia! I heard she is gettin' cuter and cuter everyday. So I decided for today, she looks a lot like daddy (it'll probably change tomorrow) tee hee!

  4. Glad you are blogging so we can keep seeing how cute Kaia is. There is nothing quite like reading posts from a first time ma and pa! It is a great time.
