Happy New Year!!!!
This year has been amazing....with the birth of Kaia in May, our family is complete. We're having a blast being parents to such a beautiful, fun-loving, happy, independent baby girl. She will be 8 months old in 2 weeks and is babbling up a storm, trying to sing (our little American Idol already!), stands up on her own, is trying to walk...she is SUCH a J-O-Y! We hope 2010 brings utmost happiness, love, luck, prosperity and blessings to our family and friends across the miles. xoxoxo
Mamma and baby K...
Christmas Kaia and our cousin Luz~
Look at these adorable leggings...and the BOOTS WITH THE FUR!!!!
Kaia dolled up in her pretty Christmas dress. Gotta love the huge Christmas bow! Yes, she is a Utah girl. :)
Cruising in style in her little Disney cart that Grandma & Grandpa Le got her.
Christmas morning with my babe. Yes, I'm wearing a mask, because Brian & I had horrible head colds.
Opening her very first present on Christmas Eve (The Night Before Christmas book from my lovely friend Rana).
*****Pretty blue eyes*****
Playing in cords, light sockets, under chairs...you name it-- she's into it!
Fell asleep in her activity chair while watching cartoons.
Trying to give her puppy Bo (not really a puppy-- 15 yrs old!) some kisses.
With her playing cards....one of her favorite "toys." She has been mesmerized by the colors and flipping of cards ever since she was born. Perhaps she'll be a card dealer in Vegas? Let's hope not.